Idle Time refers to wasted time because of slowed or halted production in one step of the production chain while a previous step is completed.
The most serious of the wastes, overproduction can cause all other types of wastes and results in excess inventory.
Unnecessary transportation
Transport is moving materials from one position to another. The transport itself adds no value to the product, so minimizing these costs is essential.
Unnecessary movement
Unnecessary movement could refer to anything from a worker bending over to pick something up on the factory floor to additional wear and tear on machines
Over processing
Over-processing refers to any component of the process of manufacture that is unnecessary.
Excess inventory
Inventory waste refers to the waste produced by unprocessed inventory. This includes the waste of storage, the waste of capital tied up in excessive inventory
Producing Defective Parts
Defective Parts refer to a product deviating from the standards of its design or from the customer’s expectation.