Design Thinking: An Introduction, and How It Can Be Used in 2024 to Solve Complex Problems

What is the Design Thinking Process?

Design Thinking is a methodology for tackling highly complex or ” wicked” problems. These problems are difficult to define and can’t be solved with standard methods. They contrast with “tame” issues, which have clear solutions.

Design Thinking

Wicked vs. Tame Problems

Tame Problem Example: You’re hosting a dinner for six and need to adjust your recipe when three more guests are added. By multiplying the ingredients, you solve the problem easily.

Wicked Problem Example: Issues like climate change, poverty, and world hunger require multifaceted approaches and continuous adaptation rather than a single solution.

Design Thinking promotes an outside-the-box approach, emphasizing creativity, innovation, and user needs. It’s a non-linear process that focuses on outcomes rather than obstacles, offering a solution-based approach to problem-solving.

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The Design Thinking Process in Action

This process isn’t confined to designing the next digital product. It’s used across various contexts to foster company-wide innovation. Companies like IBM, MassMutual, and Fidelity utilize Design Thinking to drive innovation and business outcomes.

The Design Thinking Workshop

Design Thinking workshops guide participants through the process—from empathy and problem definition to prototyping and testing—usually over a few days. These workshops are not exclusive to designers; they benefit all teams by fostering creativity and collaboration.

Goals of the Design Thinking Process

The primary goal is to approach complex problems from a human perspective, fostering creativity and user-centricity to develop solutions that are:

  • Desirable for the user
  • Viable for business
  • Technologically feasible

The process involves understanding user needs, developing quick prototypes, and testing them early and often to gather feedback and iterate before final development.

What are the 5 Steps of the Design Thinking Process?

The Design Thinking process consists of five key stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. These steps are iterative and non-linear, often requiring revisiting previous stages based on new insights.

1. Empathize

Understanding user needs and challenges through observation and engagement is the first step. This involves setting aside assumptions and gaining first-hand insights to inform user-centric design.

2. Define

Synthesizing findings from the empathy phase to identify common themes and user challenges, culminating in a problem statement that keeps the user in focus. This guides the ideation phase.

3. Ideate

Generating a broad range of ideas to solve the defined problem. This stage encourages creative thinking and exploring unconventional solutions, narrowing down to the most promising ideas for prototyping.

4. Prototype

Creating scaled-down versions of the product or feature to test on real users. Prototypes can be simple models or interactive digital representations, allowing for tangible feedback.

5. Test

Testing prototypes with real users to identify flaws and gather feedback. This phase often leads to revisiting earlier stages to refine the solution based on user interaction and feedback.

What is the Value of the Design Thinking Process?

Innovation and Problem-Solving: Design Thinking teaches creative problem-solving and encourages redefining the problem space to find the right challenges to tackle.

Teamwork and Collaboration: It brings multidisciplinary teams together, breaking down silos and fostering a culture of collaboration and open-mindedness.

Competitive Advantage: Design-led companies often outperform competitors by focusing on user-first solutions that are desirable, viable, and feasible, minimizing risk and driving customer engagement.

How Can I Learn Design Thinking?

To start learning Design Thinking, consider exploring user experience (UX) design, which shares many principles with Design Thinking, such as empathy, prototyping, and testing. Our one-month UX Fundamentals course provides a comprehensive introduction to these concepts.

Additionally, resources from institutions like the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford ( and IDEO offer valuable insights and guides for getting started with Design Thinking.

Design Thinking is a versatile tool applicable across various domains, fostering innovation and user-centric solutions. Whether you’re a designer, teacher, or CEO, embracing Design Thinking can transform your approach to problem-solving and collaboration.

Using Design Thinking to Solve Complex Problems in an Industrial Setting

Design Thinking is a powerful methodology for tackling complex problems, and its user-centric, iterative approach makes it particularly valuable in industrial settings. Here’s how Design Thinking can be applied to solve intricate issues in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and engineering:

Understanding Industrial Challenges

Industries face a plethora of complex, “wicked” problems such as optimizing production processes, reducing waste, improving safety, and enhancing the overall efficiency of supply chains. These problems often lack clear solutions and require innovative thinking.

The Design Thinking Process in an Industrial Context

  1. Empathize: Understanding the End Users and StakeholdersThe first step is to deeply understand the needs, pain points, and behaviors of all stakeholders involved, including employees, customers, suppliers, and end-users. This involves:
    • Conducting field observations on the factory floor or within the supply chain.
    • Engaging in interviews and surveys with workers, engineers, and managers.
    • Analyzing feedback from customers regarding product performance and quality.
  2. Define: Framing the ProblemSynthesizing insights from the empathize phase to clearly define the core problem. In an industrial setting, this might involve:
    • Identifying bottlenecks in production processes.
    • Understanding quality control issues.
    • Pinpointing inefficiencies in supply chain management.
    Example Problem Statement: “Production line workers need a safer, more efficient way to handle materials to reduce workplace injuries and increase productivity.”
  3. Ideate: Generating SolutionsBrainstorming a wide range of potential solutions without judgment. Techniques include:
    • Hosting cross-functional workshops with engineers, designers, and operators.Encouraging creative thinking and out-of-the-box solutions.Utilizing methods like mind mapping, brainstorming sessions, and sketching prototypes.
    Example Ideas: Automated material handling systems, ergonomic tools, and improved training programs.
  4. Prototype: Creating Tangible SolutionsDeveloping scaled-down versions or models of the best ideas. In industrial contexts, this could mean:
    • Building physical prototypes of new tools or machinery.
    • Developing simulations or digital models of revised processes.
    • Creating mock-ups of redesigned workstations.
  5. Test: Validating Prototypes with real usersTesting prototypes in real-world conditions to gather feedback and identify any flaws. This phase might involve:
    • Implementing prototypes on the production line and observing their impact.
    • Gathering feedback from workers on usability and effectiveness.
    • Iterating on the design based on observations and feedback.

Case Studies: Design Thinking in Action

Example 1: Improving Manufacturing Efficiency

Company: A large automotive manufacturer. Challenge: Reducing the time and cost of the assembly process. Approach:

  • Empathize: Interviews and observations with assembly line workers revealed repetitive strain injuries and inefficiencies in part retrieval.
  • Define: “Workers need an ergonomic, efficient system for part retrieval and assembly to minimize injuries and downtime.”
  • Ideate: Brainstorming led to ideas like automated part dispensers and adjustable workstations.
  • Prototype: Developed a prototype of an automated parts dispenser.
  • Test: Implemented the dispenser on one line, resulting in reduced retrieval time and fewer injuries. Iterated based on worker feedback to refine the design.

Example 2: Enhancing Supply Chain Transparency

Company: A global logistics company. Challenge: Lack of visibility into the supply chain causing delays and inefficiencies. Approach:

  • Empathize: Engaged with suppliers, logistics managers, and customers to understand pain points.
  • Define: “Logistics managers need real-time visibility into the supply chain to address delays and optimize routes.”
  • Ideate: Generated ideas such as a centralized digital dashboard and real-time tracking using IoT devices.
  • Prototype: Created a digital dashboard prototype integrating IoT tracking data.
  • Test: Rolled out the dashboard to a pilot group of managers, leading to improved decision-making and quicker response times. Refined based on user feedback.

Benefits of Design Thinking in Industry

  • Enhanced Innovation: Encourages creative solutions that might not emerge from traditional problem-solving methods.
  • User-Centric Solutions: Focuses on the real needs of users (workers, managers, customers), leading to more effective and accepted solutions.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Breaks down silos and promotes teamwork across different departments.
  • Iterative Improvement: Continuous feedback and iteration ensure that solutions are refined and optimized before full-scale implementation.


Applying Design Thinking in industrial settings can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, safety, and overall productivity. By focusing on empathy, defining clear problem statements, ideating creatively, prototyping tangible solutions, and rigorously testing them, industries can address complex challenges in innovative ways. This user-centric approach not only solves existing problems but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

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What is design thinking?

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that involves understanding the needs of the end-user, generating ideas, prototyping, and testing. It is a creative and iterative process that can be used to solve complex problems in various industries.

What are the five stages of design thinking?

The five stages of design thinking are empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

How can design thinking be used in an industrial setting?

Design thinking can be used in various industrial settings to solve complex problems. For example, it can be used in manufacturing to improve processes and increase efficiency, in healthcare to improve patient experiences and outcomes, in retail to create better shopping experiences for customers, and in construction to improve safety and efficiency.

What are the benefits of using design thinking in an industrial setting?

The benefits of using design thinking in an industrial setting include improved efficiency, better user experiences, increased innovation, cost savings, and a competitive advantage.

What are the challenges of using design thinking in an industrial setting?

Some potential challenges of using design thinking in an industrial setting include time constraints, resistance to change, lack of expertise, and limited resources.

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