The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is a critical step in the manufacturing process that ensures the quality and reliability of the product. PPAP is a standardized process in the manufacturing industry that verifies and validates the design and production of a product. In this blog post, we will discuss the PPAP process, its importance, and its benefits.

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP): What You Need to Know, An Ultimate Guide
Production Part Approval Process

What is Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)?

The PPAP process is a set of guidelines developed by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) that provides a framework for the manufacturers to approve the production of parts. The PPAP process ensures that the manufacturer has the capability to produce parts that meet the customer’s specifications and regulatory requirements. The process is used by the automotive industry, aerospace industry, and other industries that require a high level of quality control.

Purpose of PPAP

  1. Validating supplier’s ability.
  2. Understanding customer requirements.
  3. Establishing a reliable and repeatable process & agreement.
  4. Reducing cost and having faster time to market.
  5. Maintaining expectations & compliance on both sides.

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Requirements

The PPAP process requires the manufacturer to submit a package of documents to the customer for review and approval. The package includes the following documents:

  1. Design Records: These are the design drawings and specifications that show how the part is designed.
  2. Engineering Change Documents: These are documents that detail any changes that were made to the part design.
  3. Process Flow Diagrams: These diagrams show the steps in the production process and how the part is manufactured.
  4. Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA): This is a detailed analysis of the manufacturing process and any potential failure modes and effects.
  5. Control Plan: This document outlines the controls that are in place to ensure the part is manufactured correctly.
  6. Measurement System Analysis (MSA): This is an analysis of the measurement system used to measure the part and ensure it meets the specifications.
  7. Dimensional Results: These are the results of the measurements taken on the part to ensure it meets the specifications.
  8. Material Performance Results: These are the results of any testing done on the material used to manufacture the part.
  9. Initial Sample Inspection Report (ISIR): This report shows the results of the initial inspection of the part and how it meets the specifications.
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5 Steps of Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

The PPAP process involves several steps that are designed to ensure that the part is produced to the required specifications and meets the customer’s requirements. The steps include:

  1. Understanding the Customer Requirements: The manufacturer needs to understand the customer’s requirements and specifications for the part.
  2. Designing the Part: The manufacturer designs the part and creates the necessary documents, including design records and engineering change documents.
  3. Developing the Manufacturing Process: The manufacturer develops the manufacturing process and creates the necessary process flow diagrams, PFMEA, and control plan.
  4. Producing the Part: The manufacturer produces the part and collects the necessary data, including dimensional and material performance results.
  5. Verifying the Part: The manufacturer verifies the part through testing and validation to ensure it meets the customer’s requirements and other quality standards.

18 key elements of the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) consists of 18 key elements that must be completed and documented to ensure that a part or component meets the required specifications and quality standards before mass production. These 18 elements are:

  1. Part Submission Warrant (PSW): A document that summarizes the results of the PPAP process and verifies that all requirements have been met.
  2. Design Records: A set of documents that define the part or component, including drawings, specifications, and engineering data.
  3. Authorized Engineering Change (EC) Documents: Any changes made to the design during development must be documented.
  4. Customer Engineering Approval: Approval from the customer to move forward with production.
  5. Engineering Approval: Approval from the supplier’s engineering team.
  6. Process Flow Diagram: A diagram that outlines the manufacturing process and key steps involved.
  7. Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA): An analysis of potential failure modes and their effects on the product.
  8. Control Plan: A document outlining the control measures in place to ensure consistent quality.
  9. Measurement System Analysis (MSA): An analysis of the measurement system used to inspect the part to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  10. Dimensional Results: Detailed measurement data showing that the part meets the required specifications.
  11. Material Test Results: Certification that the material used meets the required specifications.
  12. Initial Sample Inspection Report (ISIR): Results of the first production run and any issues found during an inspection.
  13. Checking Aids: Any tools or fixtures used to measure or inspect the part.
  14. Customer-Specific Requirements: Any additional requirements specific to the customer.
  15. Part Appearance Approval: Approval of the part’s appearance and finish.
  16. Sample Production Parts: Samples of the part or component.
  17. Master Sample: A reference sample that meets all requirements.
  18. Packaging Approval: Approval of the packaging and shipping materials used for the part or component.

By completing all of these elements and documenting the results, manufacturers can ensure that the parts they produce meet the required quality standards and customer specifications, reducing the risk of defects and increasing customer satisfaction.

Benefits of the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)


Importance of the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

The PPAP process offers several benefits to manufacturers and customers alike. Some of the key benefits of PPAP include:

  1. Improved Product Quality: PPAP ensures that the product is manufactured to the required specifications and meets the customer’s requirements. This results in improved product quality and reduces the risk of product failures.
  2. Reduced Risk of Product Recalls: PPAP ensures that the product is manufactured consistently and efficiently throughout its production cycle. This reduces the risk of product recalls and associated costs.
  3. Improved Customer Satisfaction: PPAP ensures that the product meets the customer’s requirements and specifications. This results in improved customer satisfaction and increased customer loyalty.
  4. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements: PPAP ensures that the product meets the regulatory requirements and quality standards required by the industry.

Common Challenges with Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

While the PPAP process has many benefits, it can also present some challenges for manufacturers. Some of the common challenges include:

  1. Lack of Resources: The PPAP process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, which can be a challenge for smaller manufacturers with limited resources.
  2. Limited Supplier Collaboration: The PPAP(Production Part Approval Process) process requires close collaboration between the manufacturer and its suppliers. However, not all suppliers are willing or able to comply with the PPAP process requirements.
  3. Incomplete or Inaccurate Data: The PPAP process requires accurate and complete data. However, sometimes the data is incomplete or inaccurate, which can delay the approval process.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Meeting regulatory requirements can be challenging for manufacturers, especially when regulations change frequently.

PPAP Retention and Submission Requirements Table

PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) is a standard developed by the automotive industry to ensure that parts meet the required quality standards before they are used in production. PPAP submission requirements may vary depending on the customer and their specific requirements, but the following is a general overview of the retention and submission requirements for PPAP documents:

PPAP DocumentRetention RequirementsSubmission Requirements
Part Submission Warrant (PSW)Retained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the part or process that could affect the quality of the part.
Design RecordsRetained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission.
Engineering Change DocumentsRetained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the part or process that could affect the quality of the part.
Control PlanRetained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the part or process that could affect the quality of the part.
Process Flow DiagramRetained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the part or process that could affect the quality of the part.
Measurement System Analysis (MSA)Retained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the part or process that could affect the quality of the part.
Dimensional ResultsRetained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the part or process that could affect the quality of the part.
Material CertificationsRetained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the material used for the part.
Appearance Approval Report (AAR)Retained by the supplier for a minimum of 15 years.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the part or process that could affect the appearance of the part.
Sample Production PartsRetained by the supplier for a minimum of 1 year.Submitted to the customer with the initial PPAP submission and whenever there is a change to the part or process that could affect the quality of the part.
Production Part Approval Process retention

It is important to note that the retention and submission requirements may vary depending on the specific customer requirements and industry standards. It is always recommended to review and comply with the specific requirements of each customer to ensure compliance with their expectations.

Digitizing the PPAP process

Digitizing the PPAP(Production Part Approval Process) process can bring several benefits to manufacturers, including increased efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings. Here are some ways in which the PPAP process can be digitized:

  1. Electronic document management: All documents related to the PPAP process can be stored electronically in a centralized database, making it easy to access and retrieve them when needed. This reduces the need for physical storage space and makes it easier to keep track of all the documents required for the PPAP process.
  2. Automated data collection: Instead of manually collecting data and entering it into spreadsheets, data can be automatically collected using various tools such as measurement instruments, sensors, and software. This reduces the risk of errors and saves time.
  3. Automated ballooning: Software tools can be used to automatically identify and label dimensions and features on a part drawing. This eliminates the need for manual ballooning and reduces the risk of errors.
  4. Automated inspection: Automated inspection tools such as vision systems and coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) can be used to inspect parts and collect data. This saves time and ensures accuracy.
  5. Digital collaboration: With digital collaboration tools, teams from different locations can work together on the PPAP process. This eliminates the need for physical meetings and reduces travel costs.
  6. Real-time tracking and reporting: With digital tools, it is possible to track the progress of the PPAP process in real-time and generate reports on demand. This helps in identifying bottlenecks and making informed decisions.

By digitizing the PPAP process, manufacturers can streamline the process, reduce errors, and improve quality. This can lead to faster production, reduced costs, and increased customer satisfaction.


The Production Part Approval Process is a critical step in the manufacturing process that ensures the quality and reliability of the product. By following the PPAP process, manufacturers can improve product quality, reduce the risk of product recalls, and comply with regulatory requirements. However, the PPAP process can present some challenges, including a lack of resources, limited supplier collaboration, incomplete or inaccurate data, and regulatory compliance. Despite these challenges, the PPAP process remains an essential tool for manufacturers to ensure the quality and reliability of their products.

In conclusion, it is vital for manufacturers to follow the PPAP process to ensure that the products meet the customer’s specifications and requirements, as well as regulatory requirements. This process helps reduce the risk of product failure and recall, improves customer satisfaction, and increases customer loyalty. While it can be challenging to comply with the requirements, manufacturers should consider the benefits of the PPAP process and work towards implementing it in their production processes. By doing so, they can build a reputation for producing high-quality products and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.


What is the purpose of the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)?

The purpose of Production Part Approval Process(PPAP) is to ensure that a product meets the customer’s specifications, regulatory requirements, and other quality standards. PPAP also ensures that the product is manufactured consistently and efficiently throughout its production cycle. It is a way to ensure that the product is safe and reliable for use by the end customer.

Which industries require Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)?

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is a requirement for several industries, including automotive, aerospace, and medical device manufacturing. However, it can be used in any industry that requires quality control and assurance of their products.

What are the steps involved in Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)?

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) process involves several steps that must be completed before a product can be approved for production. The steps are as follows: design documentation, design FMEA, prototype build, production process FMEA, production control plan, measurement system analysis, dimensional results, appearance approval report, sample production parts, and testing and validation.

What are the benefits of implementing the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) in manufacturing?

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) process offers several benefits to manufacturers and customers alike. Some of the key benefits of PPAP include improved product quality, reduced risk of product recalls, improved customer satisfaction, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

What is a Production Control Plan in the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) process?

A Production Control Plan is a document that outlines the production process and the controls that will be put in place to ensure that the product is manufactured consistently and efficiently. It includes information on the production equipment, tooling, and procedures, as well as quality control checkpoints and measures.

What is a Measurement System Analysis in the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) process?

A Measurement System Analysis is a step in the PPAP process that verifies that the measurement system used to measure the product is accurate and reliable. It ensures that the product is measured consistently and accurately throughout the production process.

What is an Appearance Approval Report in the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) process?

An Appearance Approval Report is a document that documents the appearance of the product and verifies that it meets the customer’s requirements. It includes information on the product’s color, texture, and finish, as well as any other appearance-related specifications.

What is a Design FMEA in the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) process?

A Design FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is a systematic method of identifying and analyzing potential product or process failures. The Design FMEA identifies potential failures in the product design and outlines actions that can be taken to mitigate those failures. It is a proactive approach to identifying and preventing potential failures in product design.

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